Music for Lokkur and Lokkur Reworks will be released on Friday November 26. Can’t wait to share it with the world. Music for Lokkur is released by Backlash Music on a CD and streaming services and Lokkur Reworks is a self-release available on a cassette and through Bandcamp.
Reviews on Ethereality
Ethereality has been receiving some very positive feedback such as this
“… this album is a more than usually cohesive act of curation … a compelling 54-minute cycle that veers between extremes of scope and poles of acoustic and electronic emphasis. More than most, Ethereality isn’t an album for cherry-picking; it really needs to be heard in its entirety for the best and fullest effect.“ (5:4)
and this one:
"The recording is as superb as Tómasdóttir's technique, which is true for the whole album, including the folkish charms of Tryggvi M. Baldvinsson's Riposo (2015) and Anna Thorvaldsdottir's title track, composed in 2011. ...The same can be said for Clint McCallum's Shut Open (2021), which arises from bass notes to a suspended, silvery cloud of sound, like the soundtrack for an as-yet-unwritten creation myth. In a word: spellbinding!" (anearful)
Read it in full length here:
Tvísöngur - Duet
Ethereality - the album is out now
My album Ethereality is out now on Bandcamp and other streaming services.
Read all about it here.
Below you can see the amazing artwork done by Júlía Runólfsdóttir. She made a picture for each song based on footage from the videos to a few of the works on the album by Erlendur Sveinsson.
Ethereality -- out now
Ethereality, for bass flute and electronics, by Anna Thorvaldsdóttir is out now on Spotify and other streaming services. It’s the second work from an upcoming album entitled Ethereality which will be fully released July 9. Shut Open by Clint McCallum, released June 4, marked the beginning of the release. The works on the album are by close collaborators and performed by yours truly, as is one of the works on the album.
Recording, mixing and mastering was done by Bergur Þórisson. Recordings took place in Akranes Lighthouse, Skipholt 31 and Laugarásvegur 23, Reykjavík. Graphic design is by Júlía Runólfsdóttir and digital distribution is through INNI.
Here you can listen to the works already released:
You can continue following the release by following me on Spotify.
I would appreciate it if you take time to listen to the sounds.
Kæru vinir!
Ethereality eftir Önnu Þorvaldsdóttur fyrir bassaflautu og rafhljóð er komið út á Spotify og öðrum stafrænum veitum. Það er annað verkið af væntanlegri plötu minni, Ethereality, sem kemur út í heild sinni föstudaginn 9. júlí. Shut Open eftir Clint McCallum kom út síðastliðinn föstudag og markaði það upphaf útgáfunnar. Verkin á plötunni eiga það sameiginlegt að vera eftir nána samstarfsaðila mína og flutt af mér, auk þess sem eitt verkanna er eftir mig.
Um upptökur, tón- og hljóðjöfnun sá Bergur Þórisson. Upptökur fóru fram að stórum hluta í Akranesvita en einnig í Skipholti 31 og á Laugarásvegi 23. Júlía Runólfsdóttir sá um grafíska útfærslu verksins og stafræn dreifing er í höndum INNI.
Hér fylgja hlekkir á verkin tvö sem komin eru út en hægt er að fylgjast með útgáfunni með því að fylgja mér á Spotify.
Mér þætti vænt um ef þú gæfir þér tíma í að hlusta.
Með sumarkveðju,
Ethereality by Anna Thorvaldsdóttir is amongst the works featured on an upcoming album.
Also on the album, works for flute by Carolyn Chen, Tryggvi M. Baldvinsson, Clint McCallum, Lilja Ásmundsdóttir and Berglind Tómasdóttir.
A still from Ethereality by Anna Thorvaldsdóttir. Video: Erlendur Sveinsson. Sound: Bergur Þórisson.
Currently working on ...
Hello everyone.
I am currently working on a book on Lokkur and Hrokkur, to be released (tbc) in Fall 2021. The book will come with a cassette which will include remixes of Lokkur and Hrokkur sounds by friends and myself. Furthermore, in the near future: a CD release including works for Lokkur in collaboration with Backlash Music.
Also coming up, an album including works for flute recorded in the lighthouse in Akranes - Akranesviti. Works by Carolyn Chen, Berglind Tómasdóttir, Tryggvi Baldvinsson, Anna Thorvaldsdóttir, Clint McCallum and Lilja Ásmundsdóttir.