Music for Performers — with and without musical instruments

cd players (2023)

Verk fyrir viibru flautuseptett. Gefið út vor 2024. / A piece for flute septet viibra. Released Spring 2024.

minni (2023)

Verk fyrir flautu og dórófón eftir flytjendur. Flutt á Hljóðön, Hafnarborg 8. október 2023 af Berglindi Maríu og Júlíu Mogensen. / A piece for flute and halldorophone, performed by Berglind and Júlía Mogensen. Premiered at Hljóðön, Hafnarborg, October 8, 2023.

minni ii: idyll (2023)

Verk samið fyrir Björgu Brjánsdóttur, frumflutt 15. október 2023 á tónleikum í Dómkirkjunni, Reykjavík. Frumflutt af Björgu Brjánsdóttur, Steinunni Völu Pálsdóttur, Sólveigu Magnúsdóttur og höfundi. Væntanlegt á einleiksplötu Bjargar 2024. / A piece for flutist Björg Brjánsdóttir, premiered at Reykjavík Cathedral, October 15, 2023. To be released as a part of Björg’s solo flute album 2024. Score available upon request.

timekeeper (2023)

Verk fyrir in^set tríó, frumflutt 21. júlí 2023 á tónlistarhátíðinni Sunnuhvoli í Bárðardal. / A piece for in^set trio, premiered at Sunnuhvoll Festival, Bárðardalur. Score available upon request.

Our favorite Things (2023)

Verk fyrir Personal Clutter, frumflutt 25. janúar 2023 í Salnum, Kópavogi á Myrkum músíkdögum. / A piece for Personal Clutter, premiered at 2023 Dark Music Days. Score available upon request.

Flutes of the californias (2022)

A warm up piece for Flutes of the Californias. Premiered by Flutes of the Californias at Southwestern College Performing Arts Center, Chula Vista, October 28, 2022. Score available upon request.

- um eilíbbð og önnur hljóð á Gljúfrasteini (2021)

For seven flutists. Premiered at Gljúfrasteinn, October 17, 2021. Score available upon request.

Paula’s Song (2020-2021)

For flute, electronics and optional video. Commissioned by Dr. Paula Gudmundson.

Paula’s Song is a piece for flute, electronics and optional video, dedicated to Paula Gudmundson. The project has been made possible by Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry, and Scholarship awards from the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Minnesota. 

Duration: 11:00

Score available here.

Videos made on the occasion on Dr. Paula Gudmundson’s performance of the piece at the 2023 National Flute Convention

Paula’s Song I. Once Upon A Time

Paula’s Song II. Here

Paula’s Song III. There

Music for Speaking Voice, Piano and Audience (2019)

Commissioned by Lilja María Ásmundsdóttir for 2019 Dark Music Days. Duration: 10:33


Score available upon request.

A piece for a Circle Flute (2018)

Performed at Gerðarsafn during 2018 Cycle Music & Art Festival.

Score available upon request. (Can also be performed by four flutists with regular flutes)

Piece For Carrots, Chips and Water Voices (2018)

Performed by faculty and students at IUA during the course Dialogue. 

Duration: 2:00

Score available upon request.

Concerto for Horn, Lokkur and Rokkur (2017)

Commissioned by Radio 1 Music Festival (

Duration: 16:00

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Colors of the Wind (2017)

For a flutist and a listener

Score: Go to a remote place, where there is a breeze of fresh air. Invite an audience member, one at a time, to listen to the wind touching your instrument, as if whispering into your ear.

Colors of the Wind, Visby, Gotland, 2017.

Fine Feathered Friends (2016)

For flute, guqin and audible video. Made together with Carolyn Chen.

Jaðarber Got Hæfileikar (2016)

A talent show performed at Reykjavík Arts Festival through Yrkja.

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Score available upon request.

The Dark Music Days Piece (2015)

Participatory work commissioned by Dark Music Days and performed at the opening of 2015 Dark Music Days.

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Lokkur (2015)

A song for Lokkur.

Duration: 3:30


Practicing Ferneyhough in Harpa (2014)

Durational performance that took place in Harpa, Reykavík. Listen to a documentation of the performance. Also available on CD.

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OBE (2015)

For a singer, percussionist and video. Performed at Mengi.

Duration: 4:44


Bambaló (2013)

For flute. Commissioned by the National Flute Association Inc, for the 2013 High School Soloist Competition, New Orleans, LA. 

Duration: 6:56

Score available upon request.

Mozierto (2011)

For flute, video and balloons.


Garr (2011)

For flute, loop station and a stuffed monkey.


Albums, released online and as CD’s

- composed and performed by Berglind Tómasdóttir

Herberging (2018)

Lofthelgi — 8:03

Herberging — 22:56

Ö — 5:51

I’m an Island (2012)

Home as in Heima  — 10:00

Norðangarrinn — 3:19

Ljósið kemur — 2:38

Ískur (featuring Adam Goodwin) — 4:40

Veröld fláa — 3:43

I’m A Lonesome Cowboy — 2:15


Uppruni hlutanna//The Origin of Things (2021)

Duration: 16:19

Proper Flute Playing (2021)

Duration: 4:16


The Origin of Hrokkur (2013/2020)

Duration: 3:55


Af Vestur-Íslendingum (2015)

Duration: 14:58


The Darmstadt Piece (2014)

Duration: 4:25


The Caravan Concerts (2013)

Duration: 27:43


I Miss my Friends (2013)

Video Installation — featured in 2015 Cycle Music & Art Festval. 

Three videos, each about 3 minutes long.

From left: Carolyn Chen, Frankie Martin and Leslie Leytham.

Flute and Red Nails (2012)

With Frankie Martin

Duration: 4:46


Performing the Flute (2011)

Duration: 10:20
