The recently discovered instrument called Lokkur can be traced to Icelandic settlers in the United States of America in the early decades of the 20th century. Lokkur — which can be described as a hybrid of the Icelandic musical instrument Langspil and a spinning wheel — was considered to be “a woman’s instrument”, perhaps due to its similarities to the latter.

The recently discovered instrument called Lokkur can be traced to Icelandic settlers in the United States of America in the early decades of the 20th century. Lokkur - which can be described as a hybrid of the Icelandic musical instrument Langspil and a spinning wheel - was considered to be "a woman's instrument", perhaps due to its similarities to the latter.

The first song in which the Lokkur meets modern technology.

A recording of the instrument known as Lokkur. #lokkur

In the summer of 2015, the lokkur was exhibited for the first time at Árbær Museum. The exhibition was a part of Reykjavík Arts Festival

It was breaking news in Iceland.

Icelandic Broadcasting Service (RÚV). May, 2015. The recently discovered instrument called Lokkur can be traced to Icelandic settlers in the United States of America in the early decades of the 20th century. Lokkur - which can be described as a hybrid of the Icelandic musical instrument Langspil and a spinning wheel - was considered to be "a woman's instrument", perhaps due to its similarities to the latter.

I mean really breaking news.

A few photos from the exhibition.

An amazing yet mysterious wood cut discovered by Soffía Sæmundsdóttir.